Congratulations on finding your dream home in the beautiful city of Page, Arizona! Now that you have completed the home inspection, it’s time to negotiate repairs with the seller. This crucial step can help ensure that any necessary repairs are addressed before finalizing the purchase. To help you navigate this process effectively, here are some essential dos and don’ts for negotiating repairs after a home inspection in Page, AZ.

DO: Review the Inspection Report Thoroughly
The first step in negotiating repairs is to carefully review the inspection report. Pay attention to the areas that require immediate attention, such as structural issues, electrical problems, plumbing leaks, or safety concerns. Familiarize yourself with the language used in the report to facilitate clear communication with the seller.

DON’T: Nitpick Over Minor Cosmetic Issues
While it’s important to address significant defects, avoid nitpicking over minor cosmetic issues. These could include scuffed walls, loose doorknobs, or small cracks in tiles. Focus on substantial repairs that affect the functionality, safety, or value of the property.

DO: Prioritize Safety and Structural Repairs
Ensure that your negotiation efforts prioritize safety and structural repairs. These issues directly impact the integrity and livability of the home. Examples of safety concerns could include faulty wiring, mold, or water damage. Structural repairs might involve foundation issues, roof leaks, or plumbing problems. By emphasizing these repairs, you can protect your investment and create a safe living environment for your family.

DON’T: Assume Everything Will Be Fixed
Keep in mind that negotiations are a two-way street. While it’s reasonable to request repairs, it’s essential to approach the process with realistic expectations. Sellers may be unwilling or unable to fix every issue mentioned in the inspection report. Be prepared to prioritize repairs and consider alternative solutions, such as a reduction in the purchase price or a home warranty.

DO: Seek Professional Guidance
If you’re unsure about the negotiation process or need assistance in evaluating repair costs, consider seeking professional guidance. A reputable real estate agent or an experienced attorney can provide valuable advice and help you determine the best course of action. Their expertise can also ensure that your rights as a buyer are protected throughout the negotiation process.

DON’T: Forget to Document Agreements in Writing
To avoid any misunderstandings, it’s crucial to document all repair agreements in writing. This could include a formal amendment to the purchase agreement or a separate repair addendum. Clearly state the agreed-upon repairs, associated costs, and the timeline for completion. Having written documentation protects both parties and provides a reference point for future reference.

In conclusion, negotiating repairs after a Page home inspection requires a strategic approach. By focusing on significant safety and structural issues, seeking professional guidance, and documenting all agreements, you can navigate this process successfully. Remember, the goal is to create a safe and functional home that aligns with your expectations.